Upperplayground News

CONFLUENCE: September 4th, 7PM at Fifty24SF Gallery, San Francisco

Fifty24SF Gallery and Upper Playground is proud to present a group show: CONFLUENCE

Opening September 4th, 7PM.

A collection of divergent styles, the show will feature Oliver Vernon, Anthony Lister, Mars-1, Sam Flores, Greg Gossel, Damon Soule, Zio Ziegler, Javier Rocabado, Jayde Cardinali, Joseph Martinez, William Arvin, Todd Kurnat, Steven Vasquez Lopez, Sean Kruschrhoades, Steven Lopez, Nate Valensky, Lauren YS, Henry Lewis, Emily J. Moore, Deb, Annie Darling, Akira Beard and Adam Caldwell.

skullhighres CONFLUENCE: September 4th, 7PM at Fifty24SF Gallery, San Francisco Zio Ziegler William Arvin Todd Kurnat Steven Vasquez Lopez Steven Lopez Sean Kruschrhoades San Francisco Sam Flores oliver vernon Nate Valensky Mars 1 Lauren YS Joseph Martinez Jayde Cardinali Javier Rocabado Henry Lewis Greg Gossel FIFTY24SF Emily J. Moore Deb damon soule Confluence Anthony Lister Annie Darling Akira Beard and Adam Caldwell Prairie Warbler Setophaga discolor CONFLUENCE: September 4th, 7PM at Fifty24SF Gallery, San Francisco Zio Ziegler William Arvin Todd Kurnat Steven Vasquez Lopez Steven Lopez Sean Kruschrhoades San Francisco Sam Flores oliver vernon Nate Valensky Mars 1 Lauren YS Joseph Martinez Jayde Cardinali Javier Rocabado Henry Lewis Greg Gossel FIFTY24SF Emily J. Moore Deb damon soule Confluence Anthony Lister Annie Darling Akira Beard and Adam Caldwell nebulas CONFLUENCE: September 4th, 7PM at Fifty24SF Gallery, San Francisco Zio Ziegler William Arvin Todd Kurnat Steven Vasquez Lopez Steven Lopez Sean Kruschrhoades San Francisco Sam Flores oliver vernon Nate Valensky Mars 1 Lauren YS Joseph Martinez Jayde Cardinali Javier Rocabado Henry Lewis Greg Gossel FIFTY24SF Emily J. Moore Deb damon soule Confluence Anthony Lister Annie Darling Akira Beard and Adam Caldwell IMG 6696 CONFLUENCE: September 4th, 7PM at Fifty24SF Gallery, San Francisco Zio Ziegler William Arvin Todd Kurnat Steven Vasquez Lopez Steven Lopez Sean Kruschrhoades San Francisco Sam Flores oliver vernon Nate Valensky Mars 1 Lauren YS Joseph Martinez Jayde Cardinali Javier Rocabado Henry Lewis Greg Gossel FIFTY24SF Emily J. Moore Deb damon soule Confluence Anthony Lister Annie Darling Akira Beard and Adam Caldwell IMG 6685 CONFLUENCE: September 4th, 7PM at Fifty24SF Gallery, San Francisco Zio Ziegler William Arvin Todd Kurnat Steven Vasquez Lopez Steven Lopez Sean Kruschrhoades San Francisco Sam Flores oliver vernon Nate Valensky Mars 1 Lauren YS Joseph Martinez Jayde Cardinali Javier Rocabado Henry Lewis Greg Gossel FIFTY24SF Emily J. Moore Deb damon soule Confluence Anthony Lister Annie Darling Akira Beard and Adam Caldwell IMG 6674 CONFLUENCE: September 4th, 7PM at Fifty24SF Gallery, San Francisco Zio Ziegler William Arvin Todd Kurnat Steven Vasquez Lopez Steven Lopez Sean Kruschrhoades San Francisco Sam Flores oliver vernon Nate Valensky Mars 1 Lauren YS Joseph Martinez Jayde Cardinali Javier Rocabado Henry Lewis Greg Gossel FIFTY24SF Emily J. Moore Deb damon soule Confluence Anthony Lister Annie Darling Akira Beard and Adam Caldwell 6732757061 e208411495 o CONFLUENCE: September 4th, 7PM at Fifty24SF Gallery, San Francisco Zio Ziegler William Arvin Todd Kurnat Steven Vasquez Lopez Steven Lopez Sean Kruschrhoades San Francisco Sam Flores oliver vernon Nate Valensky Mars 1 Lauren YS Joseph Martinez Jayde Cardinali Javier Rocabado Henry Lewis Greg Gossel FIFTY24SF Emily J. Moore Deb damon soule Confluence Anthony Lister Annie Darling Akira Beard and Adam Caldwell


TODAY, Los Angeles based painter, illustrator, DVDASA host, and entertainer, David Choe is opening his first exhibition in almost 4 years at Museo Universitario del Chopo in Mexico City, Mexico. The show consisting of a giant colorful mural in Choe’s signature “dirty style” looms over a new collection of collage sculptures, found object installations and a great number of watercolors and paintings that he’s produced in an incredibly short period of time.

Choe’s new body of work, bearing the spirit and weight of his 4 years of silence seem to explode with aggressive colors, textures and details. His characters shaped by his whimsical sense of humor and delicate techniques maintain Choe’s reputation as a master painter of his generation and does not disappoint.

SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ runs from AUGUST 17TH, 2013 – OCTOBER 27TH, 2013

Museo Universitario del Chopo
Dr Enrique Gonzalez Mtz #10
Mexico City

Take a look at some of his works from the show and visit www.snowmanmonkeybbq.mx for more info:

DavidChoe MuseodelChopo Snowmanmonkeybbq SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ: OPENS TODAY IN MEXICO CITY at MUSEO UNIVERSITARIO DEL CHOPO watercolor upper playground street art snowman monkey bbq oil painting museo del chopo Mural Munko mexico city mexico Los Angeles Graffiti FIFTY24SF FIFTY24MX DVDASA dirty style david choe chuchoe choe matrix

DavidChoe MuseodelChopo Snowmanmonkeybbq2 SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ: OPENS TODAY IN MEXICO CITY at MUSEO UNIVERSITARIO DEL CHOPO watercolor upper playground street art snowman monkey bbq oil painting museo del chopo Mural Munko mexico city mexico Los Angeles Graffiti FIFTY24SF FIFTY24MX DVDASA dirty style david choe chuchoe choe matrix

DavidChoe MuseodelChopo Snowmanmonkeybbq3 SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ: OPENS TODAY IN MEXICO CITY at MUSEO UNIVERSITARIO DEL CHOPO watercolor upper playground street art snowman monkey bbq oil painting museo del chopo Mural Munko mexico city mexico Los Angeles Graffiti FIFTY24SF FIFTY24MX DVDASA dirty style david choe chuchoe choe matrix

DavidChoe MuseodelChopo Snowmanmonkeybbq4 SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ: OPENS TODAY IN MEXICO CITY at MUSEO UNIVERSITARIO DEL CHOPO watercolor upper playground street art snowman monkey bbq oil painting museo del chopo Mural Munko mexico city mexico Los Angeles Graffiti FIFTY24SF FIFTY24MX DVDASA dirty style david choe chuchoe choe matrix

DavidChoe MuseodelChopo Snowmanmonkeybbq5 SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ: OPENS TODAY IN MEXICO CITY at MUSEO UNIVERSITARIO DEL CHOPO watercolor upper playground street art snowman monkey bbq oil painting museo del chopo Mural Munko mexico city mexico Los Angeles Graffiti FIFTY24SF FIFTY24MX DVDASA dirty style david choe chuchoe choe matrix

DavidChoe MuseodelChopo Snowmanmonkeybbq6 SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ: OPENS TODAY IN MEXICO CITY at MUSEO UNIVERSITARIO DEL CHOPO watercolor upper playground street art snowman monkey bbq oil painting museo del chopo Mural Munko mexico city mexico Los Angeles Graffiti FIFTY24SF FIFTY24MX DVDASA dirty style david choe chuchoe choe matrix

DavidChoe MuseodelChopo Snowmanmonkeybbq7 SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ: OPENS TODAY IN MEXICO CITY at MUSEO UNIVERSITARIO DEL CHOPO watercolor upper playground street art snowman monkey bbq oil painting museo del chopo Mural Munko mexico city mexico Los Angeles Graffiti FIFTY24SF FIFTY24MX DVDASA dirty style david choe chuchoe choe matrix

DavidChoe MuseodelChopo Snowmanmonkeybbq9 SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ: OPENS TODAY IN MEXICO CITY at MUSEO UNIVERSITARIO DEL CHOPO watercolor upper playground street art snowman monkey bbq oil painting museo del chopo Mural Munko mexico city mexico Los Angeles Graffiti FIFTY24SF FIFTY24MX DVDASA dirty style david choe chuchoe choe matrix

DavidChoe MuseodelChopo Snowmanmonkeybbq10 SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ: OPENS TODAY IN MEXICO CITY at MUSEO UNIVERSITARIO DEL CHOPO watercolor upper playground street art snowman monkey bbq oil painting museo del chopo Mural Munko mexico city mexico Los Angeles Graffiti FIFTY24SF FIFTY24MX DVDASA dirty style david choe chuchoe choe matrix

DavidChoe MuseodelChopo Snowmanmonkeybbq11 SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ: OPENS TODAY IN MEXICO CITY at MUSEO UNIVERSITARIO DEL CHOPO watercolor upper playground street art snowman monkey bbq oil painting museo del chopo Mural Munko mexico city mexico Los Angeles Graffiti FIFTY24SF FIFTY24MX DVDASA dirty style david choe chuchoe choe matrix

DavidChoe MuseodelChopo Snowmanmonkeybbq12 SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ: OPENS TODAY IN MEXICO CITY at MUSEO UNIVERSITARIO DEL CHOPO watercolor upper playground street art snowman monkey bbq oil painting museo del chopo Mural Munko mexico city mexico Los Angeles Graffiti FIFTY24SF FIFTY24MX DVDASA dirty style david choe chuchoe choe matrix

DavidChoe MuseodelChopo Snowmanmonkeybbq13 SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ: OPENS TODAY IN MEXICO CITY at MUSEO UNIVERSITARIO DEL CHOPO watercolor upper playground street art snowman monkey bbq oil painting museo del chopo Mural Munko mexico city mexico Los Angeles Graffiti FIFTY24SF FIFTY24MX DVDASA dirty style david choe chuchoe choe matrix

DavidChoe MuseodelChopo Snowmanmonkeybbq14 SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ: OPENS TODAY IN MEXICO CITY at MUSEO UNIVERSITARIO DEL CHOPO watercolor upper playground street art snowman monkey bbq oil painting museo del chopo Mural Munko mexico city mexico Los Angeles Graffiti FIFTY24SF FIFTY24MX DVDASA dirty style david choe chuchoe choe matrix

DavidChoe MuseodelChopo Snowmanmonkeybbq15 SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ: OPENS TODAY IN MEXICO CITY at MUSEO UNIVERSITARIO DEL CHOPO watercolor upper playground street art snowman monkey bbq oil painting museo del chopo Mural Munko mexico city mexico Los Angeles Graffiti FIFTY24SF FIFTY24MX DVDASA dirty style david choe chuchoe choe matrix

David Choe’s SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ opens this Saturday, August 17th, 12pm in Mexico City

‘Snowman Monkey BBQ’ is due to open this Saturday, August 17th, 12pm at Museo Universitario del Chopo. We’ve been following his process of putting the show together via images from the official site: www.snowmanmonkeybbq.mx .  Here are some  previews of watercolors that will be presented at the show:

DavidChoe SnowmanMonkeyBBQ1 Mexico5 David Choes SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ opens this Saturday, August 17th, 12pm in Mexico City watercolors snowman monkey bbq Museo Universitario del Chopo Mural mexico city mexico david choe

IMG 20130815 114730 David Choes SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ opens this Saturday, August 17th, 12pm in Mexico City watercolors snowman monkey bbq Museo Universitario del Chopo Mural mexico city mexico david choe   IMG 20130812 090815 David Choes SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ opens this Saturday, August 17th, 12pm in Mexico City watercolors snowman monkey bbq Museo Universitario del Chopo Mural mexico city mexico david choe

IMG 20130813 095913 David Choes SNOWMAN MONKEY BBQ opens this Saturday, August 17th, 12pm in Mexico City watercolors snowman monkey bbq Museo Universitario del Chopo Mural mexico city mexico david choe