Upper Playground artist and host of DVDASA, David Choe announces a special edition release of his book, ‘Snowman Monkey BBQ’ to take place on Sept 5th, 2014.
“Snowman Monkey BBQ – 266 page hardcover book – every page is filled with colorful watercolors and the naked women who inspired them, with scandalous hilarious heart breaking obscene death threat texts and more. You have never seen anything like this.
Limited Edition Box Set #1 -only 300 sets -$250.00
-Regular edition Book
-8.5 x 11 signed and numbered print edition of 300.
-Hand assembled wood box with laser cut artwork on lid.
Limited Edition Box Set #2 -Only 150 sets -$500.00
-Original Artwork, Spray painted onto the cover of a Limited Edition signed Book
-8.5 x 11 signed and numbered print edition of 150
-Hand assembled wood box with laser cut artwork on lid.
Original Water Color Box Set -Only 23 sets -$5,000.00
-Original Watercolor Artwork, painted onto the cover of a Limited Edition signed Book
-8.5 x 11 signed and numbered print edition of 23
-Hand assembled wood box with laser cut artwork on lid.
Releases www.teshop.bigcartel.com Fri 9/5/14 @ 3:00PM PST My mom, friends and family already grabbed half the stash (mostly my mom) plus i’m saving a few for some contests , these will go quick , just giving you the heads up. If you ain’t fancy and you want to stick to just the basics- the regular edition book with no fancy bells and whistles is 60$ and will be out hopefully before Jesus’ birthday.” – D. Choe

Via David Choe’s IG: @davidchoe