Just in time for Jeremy Fish’s solo show, ‘Hunting Trophies’ opening this Saturday, April 5th at the Mark Moore Gallery in Los Angeles, Upper Playground is pleased to announce an exclusive release of Fish’s latest book, ‘Happily Ever After: The Artwork of Jeremy Fish’. The hefty hard cover book with 208 glossy color pages, comprehensively trace the creative trajectory of Mr. Fish from 2008 to the present.
“Happily Ever After is my 6th book project, and the follow up to my last book “Once Upon A Time”. The book documents my paintings, drawings, installations, murals, and screen prints from 2008 to 2014. It has been the best 5 years of my life, both personally and professionally, so I thought the book title should reflect this. I hope folks enjoy this book, as I spent a ton of sleepless nights filling its pages from the archives of my imagination.” — J.Fish